Active Lunge Rocks with a Band

Flexopedia > Quads & Hip Flexors

Active Lunge Rocks with a Band

Muscle Group Stretched: Quads, Hip Flexors

Muscle Group Strengthened: Quads

Type of Stretch: Active Dynamic

Difficulty: Intermediate

Suggested Prerequisites: Can pull your foot close to your butt in a lunge with no knee discomfort

This is a “mean” (I say “mean” because hoooo boy is it a challenge!) active deep lunge exercise that works on strengthening our quads while they’re in a deeply stretched position. I like to pair this drill with lunge rocks with a block as a compliment to hit the muscles on the other side of the joint as well.

How To

Step 1

Start kneeling, and loop a miniband around one leg between the ankle and the top of your thigh (if you don’t have a miniband, you can tie a regular resistance band into a smaller loop). Step back into a kneeling lunge with your lassoed leg in back (knee on the floor) and free leg in front (knee stacked on top of the ankle). Lift your chest so your torso is upright.

Step 2

Engage your quads in the back leg by lightly kicking your ankle into the band. Keep that tension in the band (keeping kicking into it) as you slowly rock your hips forwards and backwards. You should be feeling a stretch in the back leg quads (front of the thigh) and hip flexors (front of the hip), as well as a strong squeeze through the quads.

Continue to keep the back ankle pressing into the strap as your rock your hips for 10-30 seconds.


Need to make it easier?

Use a less stiff resistance band. This will let you kick the back foot farther away, lessening the intensity of the quad stretch (if the band starts to slip down the back thigh, you can hold it in place with your hands).

Want to make it harder?

Use a narrower band, or knot your current band to make it narrower. The closer we keep the heel to the butt, the deeper the quad stretch (and the more challenging it is to contract our quads).

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

Block Lunge Lean Back


Active Lunge Rocks with a Block