Forearm Cat-Cow

Flexopedia > Back & Shoulders

Forearm Cat-Cow

Muscle Group(s) Stretched: Back, Shoulders

Ranges of Motion Trained: Back extension, back flexion, shoulder external rotation

Type of Stretch: Active Dynamic

Difficulty: All-Levels

Suggested Prerequisites: none

This variation on the popular cat-cow stretch is a bit more challenging for our shoulders because our arms are pinned down in a more externally rotated shoulder position.

How To

Step 1

Start in a tabletop position on hands and knees, then drop down onto your forearms, with elbows planted under your shoulders. Placing your forearms on the floor with your finger tips touching (as if your lower arms were making a V shape) is slightly easier, placing them parallel to each other will be slightly harder.

Step 2

Round your back: actively press your elbows into the floor, lift your chest, tuck your chin and tailbone, suck your belly button in. Hold for a moment.

Step 3

Then arch your back: drop your belly to the floor, lift your tailbone, lift the crown of your head. OPTIONAL shoulder engagement: squeeze your shoulder blades together towards your spine, and then try to pull the bottom of your shoulder blades down towards your hips. Hold your arched back position for a moment.

Repeat, arching then rounding, for 5-10 reps total.


Need to make it easier?

Keep it small.

Keep your hands close together, elbows wide making a “snow plow” position instead of having hands separated.

Straighten your arms and do a regular cat-cow instead.

Want to make it harder?

Take your forearms parallel to each other. You can even place a yoga block between your hands and another between your elbows and add a slight squeeze inwards.

Elevate your knees by kneeling on yoga blocks - by taking your hips higher, as you round your back you come into a more arms-overhead position, which is more challenging for our shoulders to maintain external rotation in.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

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