Reclined Quad Stretch

Flexopedia > Quads

Reclined Quad Stretch

Muscle Group Stretched: Quads (potentially Hip Flexors as well, depending on how far you lean back)

Muscle Group Strengthened: n/a

Type of Stretch: Passive Static

Difficulty: Intermediate

Suggested Prerequisites: Comfortable sitting in hero pose

This is one of my go-to deep passive quad stretches because we get to use our bodyweight to relax into the stretch (don’t have to worry about using our arms to pull our heel in toward our butt). And depending on how far you lean back, you may even push your hips into extension, adding a passive hip flexor stretch as well.

How To

Step 1

Start sitting in a hero pose either sitting on your heels, or sitting on a yoga block, whichever is more comfortable for your knees (technically the block may make this more of a hip flexor stretch, so you can play with both versions and see which feels like a better stretch to you).

Step 2

Extend one leg out forwards (just to get it out of the way, that way we can focus on stretching one quad at a time). Slowly start to lean backwards, leaning back on your hands, onto your elbows, or all the way to back on the floor if that feels comfortable.

You should be feeling a deep stretch through the front of your thigh (quads), or if you’re leaning all the way back and have your butt on a yoga block, in the front of your hip as well (hip flexors). If you don’t feel much of a stretch, actively tuck your pelvis (lift your tailbone off the floor, trying to rotate your pelvis backwards) to deepen the stretch.

Hold for 20-30 seconds.


Need to make it easier?

Keep the lean back small.

Experiment with starting on a block or two, or no blocks.

Want to make it harder?

Keep both knees bent to stretch both quads at the same time.

Make it active by pressing the bent knee’s foot into the ground (engaging your quads while they’re in a stretched position).

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

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