Supine Leg Lifts with Hips on Blocks

Flexopedia > Hamstrings

Supine Leg Lifts with Hips on Block(s)

Muscle Group Stretched: Hamstrings

Muscle Group Strengthened: Hip Flexors

Type of Stretch: Active Dynamic

Difficulty: Intermediate

Suggested Prerequisites: Can easily kick a straight leg towards your chest in supine leg lifts while the other leg is flat on the floor.

This is a more “advanced” version of regular ol’ supine leg lifts to challenge split-ier students. By placing our hips on a yoga block (or two, for you very flexy folks!), we start in a position of slight anterior pelvic tilt (hips rotating forwards), which makes it more challenging to lift our working leg. The non-working leg must also stay engaged in this exercise to keep the foot on the floor, and not let it float up as you kick up the working leg. So good strengthening all around!

How To

Step 1

Lying on your back, slide a yoga block under your sacrum (backside of your hips). Extend both legs out so that they’re straight, heels on the floor (you’ll be in a slightly arched back position).

Start with just one yoga block, but if that’s not challenging enough, you can add a second block (only if that feels OK on your back, because it’ll be putting you into a deeper backbend as well).

Step 2

Keeping your left leg straight and heel on the floor, lift your right leg up as high as you can, kicking (with control!) your thigh towards your chest. Kick slow enough that you can feel a sweet sweet squeeze through the front of the right hip and thigh.

Lower the right leg back to the floor (heel all the way down to the ground).

Repeat for 8-12 leg lifts.


Need to make it easier?

Take the butt block away and do regular leg lifts.

Want to make it harder?

Add ankle weights.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.

Supine Froggy Kicks


Supine Leg Lifts