Full Spine Side Bend

Flexopedia > Back

Full Spine Side Bend

Muscle Group(s) Stretched: Back*

Ranges of Motion Trained: Back lateral flexion (sidebending)

Type of Stretch: Passive Static

Difficulty: All-Levels

Suggested Prerequisites: none

Going a bit deeper than just a thoracic side bend, this full side bend starts to go into the lower part of our thoracic spine, and even potentially into our lumbar spine (aka side bending through your upper back and lower back).

How To

Step 1

Start sitting or standing. Place your left hand on your hip or outer thigh for support, reach the right arm up overhead, palm facing in.

Step 2

Start to lean to the left, keeping as much weight in your left hand as you need to for support. You should feel a stretch in any of the following: outer armpit (lats), outer ribs, or outer waist (obliques).

Hold for 10-30 seconds.


Need to make it easier?

Keep it tall! You donโ€™t have to fold completely in half to get a stretch.

Want to make it harder?

Experiment with adding a tiny bit of a twist, slightly rotating your chest towards the ceiling, and towards the floor, when youโ€™re in your side bend. Notice how this may change the location/intensity of the stretch.

Danielle Enos (Dani Winks)

Dani is a Minneapolis-based flexibility coach and professional contortionist who loves sharing her enthusiasm for flexibility training with the world.


Seated Twist


Thoracic Side Bend