Frontbending & Legs-Behind-Head Workshop


Who this workshop recording is for:

Students looking to increase hip and back flexibility for contortion-style frontbending skills, like deep forward folds and legs-behind-head.

Suggested Prerequisites:

This workshop is geared towards intermediate level (and above) students who already have enough hip flexibility to touch their toes. It’s OK if you need to round your back to touch your toes, but students who can get their hands to the floor with a flat back will be able to access the more advanced skillwork sooner.

If you have quite tight hips and can’t yet touch your toes I’d suggest you start with the 45-minute Starting Front Splits workshop instead which does feature quite a few hamstring stretches.

This 60-minute+* workshop covers:

  • A 50-minute follow-along contortion style conditioning class, including

    • A full body warm up with extra emphasis on hip mobility and core activation

    • Active flexibility drills to strengthen and stretch our hips (and spinal flexibility!) to support a deeper forward folds. This includes a heavy emphasis on hamstring and glute flexibility

  • “Choose your own adventure” style skillwork practice: 20 minutes of how-to tutorials focused on frontbending skills, including wide legged forward folds (“butt bongos” optional…), turtle pose, firefly, compass pose variations, leg(s)-behind-your-head, and more!

* This workshop was filmed with the intention of fitting a 60-minute practice, but students interested in practicing all of the skills listed in the recording may choose to train for 75 minutes or longer.

Recommended props:

  • 2 yoga blocks

  • Strap (can be stretchy or stiff)

  • Uncluttered wall space you can lean into

  • (Optional) A sturdy Chair, low table, or bench that you can stand on

Upon checkout, you will receive a PDF with a link to the workshop recording (Squarespace limits file upload sizes so I can’t actually upload the whole recording here). The recording is for your personal use only, not to be shared with others - thank you!

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