45-Min "Starting Front Splits" Recording


Note: this class is also a part of a 2-class bundle! If you also want to work on your middle splits and straddles too, you should check out the “Starting Splits” Front & Middle Splits recording bundle.

Who this class recording is for:

This 45-minute class is intended for “beginner” to “begintermediate” students interested in working on their front splits. For more intermediate/advanced students who are 3 inches or closer to the ground in their front splits, I suggest you check out the Splits Clinic: Getting Flat Splits workshop instead which has drills aimed at slightly more flexible hips.

This workshop is a better fit for students who’s hips are 4 inches or higher away from the floor when doing a front split with their torso lifted.

Even if you are a super beginner and can’t touch your toes, this video has stretches and modifications for a variety of levels.

What this class includes:

  • A quick full-body warm-up to get you ready to stretch

  • Active flexibility exercises focusing on the two main muscles groups needed for square front splits: hamstrings and hip flexors

  • A full 45-minute stretching routine you can follow 1-3 days per week to work on your front splits (due to the amount of strengthening involved, I don’t recommend doing this routine every day - your body will benefit more from rest days!)

Recommended props:

  • A chair (or a bench or low table)

  • Yoga blocks - totally optional, but they are a wonderful prop, especially if you’re a beginner. If you don’t have blocks, I recommend practicing next to a chair, your bed, or a wall so you can reach your hand out for balance if you need to

Note: Because of Squarespace’s file size limitations (which is what I use for this wonderful website!), upon purchase you will receive a PDF with a link to the recording. You can then stream the recording online from the private link.

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